Job title
Consultant urgological surgeon
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Mr Ajayi is a consultant urological surgeon and the clinical service lead for urology and clinical lead for endourology stone disease at the Royal Free Hospital.
He has a specialist interest in minimally invasive surgery for urinary tract stone disease, in particular holmium laser and lithotripsy treatment. His general urology practice focuses on andrology, rapid access prostate and haematuria (blood in urine) assessments. Mr Ajayi was awarded an MD for his research into the molecular biology of prostate cancer and has publications in this field and that of urinary tract stone disease. He is the course director of an international master class in complex stone diseases and is one of a hand full of surgeons in the country who perform percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) in supine position and has extensive experience with this complex operation.
Bibliography Peer Review Publications
• Factors Predicting Outcomes of Supine Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy: Large Single-Centre Experience Yasmin Abu-Ghanem, Luke Forster, Pramit Khetrapal, Gidon Ellis, Paras Singh, Rohit Srinivasan, Rajesh Kucheria, Anuj Goyal, Darrell Allen, Antony Goode, Dominic Yu and Leye Ajayi. J. Pers. Med. 2022, 12, 1956
• Emergency Primary Ureteroscopy for Acute Ureteric Colic—From Guidelines to Practice Yasmin Abu-Ghanem, Christina Fontaine, Radha Sehgal, Luke Forster, Neeta Verma, Gidon Ellis, Rajesh Kucheria, Darrell Allen, Paras Singh, Anuj Goyal and Leye Ajayi J. Pers. Med. 2022, 12, 1866
• Primary Definitive Treatment versus Ureteric Stenting in the Management of Acute Ureteric Colic: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Radha Sehgal, Yasmin Abu-Ghanem, Christina Fontaine, Luke Forster, Anuj Goyal, Darrell Allen, Rajesh Kucheria, Paras Singh, Gidon Ellis and Leye Ajayi J. Pers. Med. 2022, 12, 1773.
• Supine Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in the Galdako-Modified Valdivia Position: A High-Volume Single Center Experience. Curry D, Srinivasan R, Kucheria R, Goyal A, Allen D, Goode A, Yu D, Ajayi L. Journal of Endourology. 2017 Aug 23.
• Supine Percutaneous nephrolithtomy for Staghorn calculi prospectively recorded experience in a single tertiary referral endourology unit. John Withington*, David Curry, Sarah Tang, Asheesh Kaul, Helena Gresty, Anthony Goode, Nick Woodward, Dominic Yu, Anuj Goyal, Rajesh Kucheria, Darrell Allen, Leye Ajayi, The Journal of Urology. Vol. 197, No. 4S, Supplement, Monday, May 15, 2017
• An Insight into supine PCNL. Sarah Tang, Leye Ajayi. Urology News, December 2016, Vol 21, No 1, page 21-23
• Renal stone disease, Leye Ajayi, Philippe Jaeger, William Robertson and Robert Unwin. Medicine, Volume 35, Issue 8, August 2007, Pages 415-419
• MD Thesis. Investigation of a tumour suppressor gene at Chromosome 10q23.3 in prostate cancer. Adeleye Ajayi. University of London 2006.
• Adult nocturnal enuresis: guide to causes and treatment. Amanda Williams, Leye Ajayi, Harry Naerger.Prescriber. Vol: 16 Issue: 24, 19th December 2005
• Adult Nocturnal enuresis. Ajayi LA, Naerger HGA. Prescriber.Vol 12, 19th June 2001.
• The Expression profile and genomic organisation of the tumour Suppressor Gene PTEN. Hamilton JA, Ajayi LA, Stewart LMD, Roberts KG, Kaisary AV, Snary D. Br J Cancer. May 2000.82(10) 1671-6
Abstracts published
• Upper pole renal puncture in supine percutaneous nephrolithotomy – 9 year experience from a single tertiary stone unit. Moghul M. , Withington J. , Goyal A. , Kucheria R. , Allen D. , Ajayi L. European Urology Supplement 18(1):e2033-e2034 · March 2019
• Supine percutaneous nephrolithotomy in the obese patient. J Withington, Moghul M, Goyal A. , Kucheria R. , Allen D. , Ajayi L. European Urology Supplement – 18(1):e2036 · March 2019
• PD17-08 The effects of medically expulsive therapy METon Spontaneous stone passage (SSP) in patients presenting with acute ureteric colic. Taimur Shah, Leye Ajayi et al Journal of Urology 199(4):e387-e388 · April 2018
• Medically expulsive therapy MET has no benefit in improving_ pontaneous stone passage SSP in patients presenting with acute ureteric colic Results from the MIMIC study. Taimur Shah, Leye Ajayi et al European Urology Supplement – 18(1):e2036 · March 2018
• Supine Percutaneous nephrolithtomy for Staghorn calculi prospectively recorded experience in a single tertiary referral endourology unit. John Withington*, David Curry, Sarah Tang, Asheesh Kaul, Helena Gresty, Anthony Goode, Nick Woodward, Dominic Yu, Anuj Goyal, Rajesh Kucheria, Darrell Allen, Leye Ajayi, London, UK. The Journal of urology. Vol. 197, No. 4S, Supplement, Monday, May 15, 2017
• Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in the Extended Lithotomy Position – A New Approach to an Old Problem? J Bycroft, S Pridgeon, D Yu, N Woodward, A Goode and L Ajayi BJUi June 2010- Volume 106, Issue Supplement s1. Pages v–vi, 1–66 Abstract 167
• “Pass the ball”-simultaneous antegrade and retrograde endoscopic fragmentation of stones in the extended lithotomy position for percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Leye Ajayi, M. Hussain, Dominic Yu, Nick Woodward, Neil Davis, Antony Goode. European Urology Association. Stockholm 17th -21 March 2009
• Our initial experience with extended lithotomy position for percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Leye Ajayi, M. Hussain, Dominic Yu, Nick Woodward, Neil Davis, Anthony Goode. Urolithiasis Research, 2008
• The true value of Hexvix® photodynamic diagnosis following intravesical Bacilli Calmette Guerin treatment for superficial bladder cancer. Eleanor Ray, Kay Thomas, Leye Ajayi, Kathryn Chatterton, M S Khan, Tim O’Brien. American Urologic Association Annual Meeting. California May 19-24, 2007.
• Initial experience using the photosensitizer Hexvix® in photodynamic assisted resection of superficial bladder cancer. E Ray, L Ajayi, K Thomas, K Chatterton, S Khan, TS O’Brien. Journal of Endourology. August 15, 2006, 20(supplement 1): A97-A298.
• Initial experience using the photosensitizer Hexvix® in photodynamic assisted resection of superficial bladder cancer. E Ray, L Ajayi, K Thomas, K Chatterton, S Khan, TS O’Brien. BJUi 2006 vol 97 suppl 5 ; page 8 abstract 04.
• A prospective audit of flexible ureterenoscopy and holmium laser lithotripsy for treatment of Intrarenal Calculi. J Henderson, L Ajayi, K Thomas, P Dasgupta , R. Tiptaft, J Glass. European Urology Supplements Volume 5, Issue 2, April 2006, Page 108
• A prospective comparison of flexible ureterenoscopy and holmium laser versus electrohydrolic lithotripsy for ESWL resistant upper tract calculi. Ajayi LA, Henderson JR, Thomas K, Dasgupta P, Glass JMG, Tiptaft RC. BJUi 2005 vol 95 suppl 5 ; page 35 abstract P14
• The use of Ureteral access sheaths and flexible ureteroscopy; A marriage made in Heaven? L.Ajayi, J.Allan, B.Montgomery, H.Naerger, E.Palfrey. BAUS Glasgow 2002. BJUi 2002 vol 90 suppl 1; page 52 abstract P098.
• Use of Microsatellite markers as Genetic markers to identify risks of tumour progression. Ajayi LA, Stewart LMD, Roberts KG, Snary D, Kaisary AV. BJU 2000 vol 86; 3: Page 392
Podium presentations
• MP02-12 – The utility and safety of diagnostic ureteroscopy in the diagnosis of upper tract urothelial carcinoma (UTUC): the experience of a high volume centre. T Birks, N. Pindoria, C. Cumby, R Kucheria, A. D Allen, Goyal, L Ajayi, G Ellis. World Congress of Endourology- Abu Dhabi 30th October 2019
• MP23-12 – Outcomes of non-lower pole puncture for supine PCNL: a multi-centre study. Carlos Mejia Arbalaez, Mehmet Gokce , Braulio Manzo, Mariano Gonzalez, Silvia Proietti , Leye Ajayi, Jose Ernesto Torres Garcia; Alan Yaghoubian, Guido Giusti, Pedro Daels; Christian Cristallo; Giuseppe Saitta, Theodore Birks; Brian Eisner. World Congress of Endourology- Abu Dhabi 1st November 2019
• MP23-16 – Percutaneous nephrolithotomy in the transplant kidney – a prospective 20 year multicentre experience Theodore Birks, Cristina Ferreiro; John Withington, Masood Moghul, Carlos Torrecilla, Francesc Vigués, Oriol Angerri Feu, Alberto Breda, Esteban Emiliani, Leye Ajayi. World Congress of Endourology- Abu Dhabi 1st November 2019
• Supine percutaneous nephrolithotomy in the obese patient. J Withington, Moghul M, Goyal A. , Kucheria R. , Allen D. , Ajayi L. European Association of Urology conference- Barcelona March 2019
• Upper pole renal puncture in supine percutaneous nephrolithotomy – 9 year experience from a single tertiary stone unit. Moghul M. , Withington J. , Goyal A. , Kucheria R. , Allen D. , Ajayi L. European Association of Urology conference- Barcelona March 2019
• Supine percutaneous nephrolithotomy in the obese patient. J Withington, M Moghul, D Allen, L Ajayi. World Congress of Endourology – Paris September 2018
• Supine Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy for Staghorn Calculi. J Withington, M Moghul, D Allen, L Ajayi.World Congress of Endourology – Paris September 2018
• Delays in Emergency Urological Stent Insertions – Case for an Emergency Pathway for Obstructing Stones. M Moghul, J Withington, A Goyal, R Kucheria, D Allen, L Ajayi. World Congress of Endourology – Paris September 2018
• Supine Percutanours nephrolithotomy in horseshoe shaped kidneys- a case series. Goonewardene SS, Goyal A, Kucheria R, Allen D, Goode A, Yu, D, Ajayi L. Société Internationale d’Urologie- Libson 2017
• Supine Percutaneous nephrolithtomy for Staghorn calculi prospectively recorded experience in a single tertiary referral endourology unit. John Withington, David Curry, Sarah Tang, Asheesh Kaul, Helena Gresty, Anthony Goode, Nick Woodward, Dominic Yu, Anuj Goyal, Rajesh Kucheria, Darrell Allen, Leye Ajayi, American Urology Association (AUA) May, 2017.
• An Insight into supine PCNL. Sarah Tang, Leye Ajayi. Urology News, December 2016, Vol 21, No 1, page 21-23
• Management of prostate cancer in Africans in the Diaspora- L. Ajayi, London (GB). Joint Session of the European Association of Urology (EAU) and the Pan- African Urological Surgeons’ Association (PAUSA- EAU- March 2016- Munich
• Simultaneous flexible ureterenoscopy and supine percutaneous nephrolithotomy (sPCNL David Curry, Anuj Goyal, Anthony Goode2, Nick Woodward2, Dominic Yu2, Darrell Allen1, Leye Ajayi World Congress of Endourology – October 2015
• Does body mass index (BMI) predict outcome in supine percutaneous nephrolithotomy (sPCNL)? Paras B Singh1, Ramin Mandegaran1 , Anthie Papadopoulous2 , Neil Davies2, Anthony Goode2, Nick Woodward2, Dominic Yu2, Darrell Allen1, Leye Ajayi SIU UK Section Meeting “Stones, Shocks & Scopes” 22nd November 2013
• Supine percutaneous nephrolithotomy (s-PCNL): upper pole access is possible without increased risk of complications. Paras B Singh1, Ramin Mandegaran1 , Anthie Papadopoulous2 , Neil Davies2, Anthony Goode2, Nick Woodward2, Dominic Yu2, Darrell Allen1, Leye Ajayi1 SIU UK Section Meeting “Stones, Shocks & Scopes”- 22nd November 2013
• Does body mass index (BMI) predict outcome in supine percutaneous nephrolithotomy (sPCNL)? Paras B Singh1, Ramin Mandegaran1 , Anthie Papadopoulous2 , Neil Davies2, Anthony Goode2, Nick Woodward2, Dominic Yu2, Darrell Allen1, Leye Ajayi1 1st ESD “Experts in Stone Disease” Conference -Dubai, December 13-15 2012
• Supine percutaneous nephrolithotomy (s-PCNL): upper pole access is possible without increased risk of complications. Paras B Singh1, Ramin Mandegaran1 , Anthie Papadopoulous2 , Neil Davies2, Anthony Goode2, Nick Woodward2, Dominic Yu2, Darrell Allen1, Leye Ajayi 1st ESD “Experts in Stone Disease” Conference -Dubai, December 13-15 2012
• Supine percutaneous nephrolithotomy (s-PCNL): our experience with 103 consecutive cases. Paras B Singh1, Vimoshan Arumuham1, Neil Davies2, Anthony Goode2, Nick Woodward2, Anthie Papadopoulous2, Dominic Yu2, Darrell Allen1, Leye Ajayi1 BAUS section of Endourology- Birmingham, April 2012
• Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in the Extended Lithotomy Position – A New Approach to an Old Problem? J Bycroft, S Pridgeon, D Yu, N Woodward, A Goode and L Ajayi. British association of Urological Surgeons-Manchester 2010
• “Pass the ball”- simultaneous antegrade and retrograde endoscopic fragmentation of stones in the extended lithotomy position for percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Leye Ajayi, M. Hussain, Dominic Yu, Nick Woodward, Neil Davis, Antony Goode. European Urology Association Annual Meeting. Stockholm. March 2009
• Our initial experience with extended lithotomy position for percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Leye Ajayi, M. Hussain, Dominic Yu, Nick Woodward, Neil Davis, Anthony Goode. Urolithiasis Research meeting. Nice. September 2008
• The true value of Hexvix® photodynamic diagnosis following intravesical Bacilli Calmette Guerin treatment for superficial bladder cancer. Eleanor Ray, Kay Thomas, Leye Ajayi, Kathryn Chatterton, M S Khan, Tim O’Brien. American Urologic Association Annual Meeting. California May 2007.
• Initial experience using the photosensitizer Hexvix® in photodynamic assisted resection of superficial bladder cancer. E Ray, L Ajayi, K Thomas, K Chatterton, S Khan, TS O’Brien. British association of Urological Surgeons-Glasgow 2006
• Initial experience using the photosensitizer Hexvix® in photodynamic assisted resection of superficial bladder cancer. E Ray, L Ajayi, K Thomas, K Chatterton, S Khan, TS O’Brien. 24th World Congress of Endourology. August 2006
• Initial experience using the photosensitizer Hexvix® in photodynamic assisted resection of superficial bladder cancer. E Ray, L Ajayi, K Thomas, K Chatterton, S Khan, TS O’Brien. Accepted for paper (PODIUM) presentation BAUS 2006.
• Initial experience using the photosensitizer Hexvix® in photodynamic assisted resection of superficial bladder cancer.E Ray, L Ajayi, K Thomas, K Chatterton, S Khan, TS O’Brien. Royal Society of Medicine Short papers meeting, December 2005.
• Initial experience using the photosensitizer Hexvix® in photodynamic assisted resection of superficial bladder cancer. E Ray, L Ajayi, K Thomas, K Chatterton, S Khan, TS O’Brien. SE Thames Regional Meeting, October 2005. Runner up Packham prize awarded.
• A prospective audit of flexible ureterenoscopy and holmium laser lithotripsy for the treatment of intra renal calculi.Henderson JR, Ajayi LA, Thomas K, Dasgupta P, Glass JMG, Tiptaft RC. Southeast Thames Regional audit meeting- Guilford 2005
• A prospective comparison of flexible ureterenoscopy and holmium laser versus electrohydrolic lithotripsy for ESWL resistant upper tract calculi. Ajayi LA, Henderson JR, Thomas K, Dasgupta P, Glass JMG, Tiptaft RC. BAUS Glasgow 2005
• The significance of the pten gene in prostate cancer. Ajayi LA, Stewart LMD, Roberts KG, Snary D, KaisaryAV. SIU section of oncology. Sharm-el-sheik, Eygpt. Oct 2003
• The use of Ureteral access sheaths and flexible ureteroscopy; A marriage made in Heaven? L.Ajayi, J.Allan, B.Montgomery, H.Naerger, E.Palfrey. BAUS Glasgow 2002.
• Are the clinical implications of the association between Ballanitis Xerotica Obliterans and penile cancer underestimated? Leye Ajayi, Peter Pietrzak Chryssanthos Kouriefs, Carl Rowbotham, Nicholas A Watkin. The Urological Association of South Africa Congress 21-24th March 2002.
• Regular placement of nephrostomy tube following percutaneous nephrolithotomy is unnecessary unless a specific indication exists. Leye Ajayi, Zaf Mann, Nicholas Watkin, Chris Jones, John Boyd. The Urological Association of South Africa Congress 21-24th March 2002.
• The use of Ureteral access sheaths and flexible ureteroscopy; A marriage made in Heaven? L.Ajayi, L.Lilas, J.Allan, B.Montgomery, H.Naerger, E.Palfrey. 19th World Congress of Endourology, Bangkok, Nov 14th-17th 2001.
• 100-consective uses of sensor guide wires. M.Williams, L.Ajayi, J.Allan, B.Montgomery, H.Naerger, E.Palfrey. 19th World Congress of Endourology, Bangkok, Nov 14th-17th 2001.
• LOH studies on PTEN gene in prostate cancer. Ajayi LA, Stewart LMD, Roberts KG, Snary D, KaisaryAV. BAUS section of Oncology & British Prostate Group meeting, Newport. Nov 2000
• Role of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide in Nocturnal Polyuria in elderly males. L.A. Ajayi, A.A. McConnell, P. Abrams, P.G. Carter. ANP conference Ottawa, Canada. Aug 2000.
• Use of Microsatellite markers as Genetic markers to identify risks of tumour progression. Ajayi LA, Stewart LMD, Roberts KG, Snary D, KaisaryAV. BAUS Birmingham 2000.
• DNA extraction technique using Microsatellite markers in paraffin embedded radical prostatectomy specimens. Ajayi LA, Stewart LMD, Roberts KG, Snary D, KaisaryAV. Urology research society. Royal college of Surgeons, Jan 2000
• The value of DRE, PSA or both in outcome of prostate biopsy. Ajayi LA, Green JSA, Simmonds N,Wilson C, KaisaryAV. The 6th Mediterranean Congress of Urology, Cairo, Egypt, Sept 1999
• Single NucleotidePolymorphism (SNP) analysis on PTEN Gene in patients with Prostate Cancer. Ajayi LA, Stewart LMD,Simmonds N, Snary D, KaisaryAV. The 6th Mediterranean Congress of Urology, Cairo, Egypt, Sept 1999