Staff at Barnet Hospital shimmied down the catwalk on Friday during a cultural fashion show held as part of the trust’s Black History Month celebrations.
The fashion show, organised by Senior Sister Sipiwe Zamba, showcased traditional outfits from Nigeria, Ghana, Uganda, Kenya, Jamaica, India, Philippines, Mauritius and Zimbabwe.
In total 14 members of staff took a turn down the catwalk – which was outside Rainbow Ward – all accompanied by the sounds of the Sangoma Drummers, who performed with traditional West African Djembe drums.
Sipiwe was delighted with the event. “It was really amazing,” she said. “Staff made a big effort to dress up and the drums were brilliant, people were dancing down the catwalk!
“This was a chance for us to celebrate diversity and different cultures. the past 18 months have been hard for everyone, and so, this was about being happy and celebrating who we are.”
One of the models, Staff nurse Tender Ikechiuku – wore traditional clothes representing the Igbo tribe in Nigeria.
Tender said: “When Sipiwe asked me to take part, I jumped at the offer. I’m not a shy person - I enjoy crowds, I enjoy lots of noise, so I really wanted to be part of it. I brought my outfit into the hospital days beforehand as because I was so excited.
“When the patients and staff saw me, they were shocked. They were taking pictures, I was posing – they couldn’t believe it was really Nurse Tender.
“The clothes I wore represent a strong woman, someone who is very hard-working. Igbo people - we can make something out of nothing, we are very independent, and we believe in ourselves.”