The Royal Free London vaccine clinical trial team are looking for a healthy volunteers for a clinical trial of a mRNA vaccine against Mpox, known as the Mpower Trial. If you are interested in this trial or potentially about future trials, please get in touch and we can provide more information.

You may me eligible to participate in this research study if you meet the following criteria:

  • You are aged between 18 and 49.
  • You are in good medical health.
  • You have not previously been vaccinated for Mpox/smallpox or had suspected or confirmed mpox infection.
  • You are not pregnant or planning pregnancy.
  • You have not received any vaccines within 28 days before the first injection, nor intend to in the next month or so.

What to expect from this study: 

  • Your participation in the trial would last approximately 13 months, involving eight scheduled clinic visits and three scheduled phone calls.
  • Provided conditions are met in the screening visit, participants will receive one injection in the upper arm during their next clinic visit (day 1) and another during the third clinic visit (about 29 days after first vaccination).
  • Evaluation and follow-up of all participants will be conducted throughout the study period.
  • Compensation for your trial-related time is provided.

If you are interested in participating or know someone who might be, please email or call/leave a message on 0207 317 7679 and a member of the research team will contact you to answer any questions you may have and determine your eligibility for the trial. Please also share this information with any family for friends who may be interested in participating and would like to know more about this trial - or would be willing for us to contact them about future trials.

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