The emergency department and general inpatient wards for children and young people will re-open at the Royal Free Hospital from 9am on Monday 12 April.
In September, North Central London made the decision to temporarily transfer children and young people’s services to the southern hub at Whittington Health. This ensured that we could continue to deliver emergency and planned care for children and young people during the autumn and winter, and was an important part of our COVID-19 response.
Until the emergency department reopens at the Royal Free Hospital, children and young people should continue to access emergency care through other local children and young people's emergency departments. More information about how to access services is available here.
Share your feedback on the temporary changes
The NHS in north central London is inviting the public to take part in a survey about the temporary changes to children and young people's services across the sector.
The survey closes on 31 March.
Find out more, including how to respond here.